Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Yes on Prop 36! Rally with Mayors and Councilmembers

I attended and spoke at the Prop 36 Rally held at the Cupertino Civic Center Plaza on Sunday September 29, 2024 at 1:30p.m. Several elected officials including San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein, were in attendance along with many current and former Councilmembers and candidates for various elected offices to speak in support of Prop 36. I signed the ballot initiative which received enough signatures to put Prop 36 on the ballot.

You may read the Legislative Analyst’s Office Analysis of Prop 36 here.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

What Caused the Late Housing Element: Late Call to Overhaul

The image is a Builder's Remedy project which will replace a single-story home.

Updated October 2, 2024

What caused the Housing Element to have an 11th Hour Comprehensive Overhaul?

There have been a series of misstatements from folks trying to cover up what Cupertino for All did to the Housing Element when the new Council was seated.

The Prior Council Direction, on November 15, 2022 agenda item 1 was very clear to turn in the document on time.

“Final Motion: Moore moved and Chao seconded to direct staff to

1) publish the draft Housing Element on Friday, November 18, 2022 and (...) 3) incorporate comments received in the draft Housing Element and submit the document to the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) for review on January 20, 2023.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Jollyman All-Inclusive Playground

It is important that all of our residents have welcoming spaces in our parks and that is why you may be noticing our park playground spaces are having upgrades to ensure we accomodate people with special needs. The City has broken ground on our flagship All-Inclusive Playground at Jollyman Park! Read more about this exciting new edition coming to the city here.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Scofield Builder’s Remedy Plans

There is a Builder’s Remedy Plan Set available for 20739 Scofield Dr. Cupertino from a Public Records Request of the City. The project proposes 23 homes on a single family lot which currently has a one-story house on it. 4 of the homes would be below-market rate. The plans were uploaded onto the City website September 9, 2024 and are 174 pages long. You may view the full plan set here.

The Scofield Builder’s Remedy project was submitted March 26, 2024, there is a Cupertino City Staff Memo on this project and other Builder’s Remedy projects available here and a city website on the developments here.

The affordability requirement for Builder’s Remedy Projects are that 20% of the homes be affordable to low income residents.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Vallco/Rise Status

There is a lot of misinformation on the Vallco/Rise project. In short, the approved SB 35 Vallco project has the most affordable homes of any version the developer has ever submitted, but it still has about 2 Million square feet of office space planned and 6,000 parking spaces for all of the office commuters.

“The Vallco project uses a housing law to worsen the housing shortage”

— Kitty Moore

The Vallco site is also undergoing environmental cleanup for the hazardous waste on the site. I found, in 2021, that there was more hazardous waste when the developer had claimed the site had a clean bill of health in 2019, and the developer entered into an agreement for Regulatory oversight by the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health in April, 2021. The cleanup documents are now available on the Geotracker website and I have pasted the landing page for this site below.

Our city needs councilmembers, like myself, who are educated and willing to read documents like these you will find on Geotracker, and review thousands of pages of environmental documents which Council is tasked with reading and deciding whether to certify:

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Native Planting Proposal

Today I received a letter from a resident requesting more native plantings in Cupertino and I agree, let's do this:

“Let's support a Cupertino-level ordinance that would require the use of native plants in city properties and commercial landscaping. This idea takes inspiration from the state-level AB 1573, which unfortunately didn't pass after being watered down by lobbyists. ( Despite this setback, we can take inspiration from the text and implement it at the city level, so here I am. 

Why we need this:

Native plants are a crucial part of combating climate change. Here are some alarming headlines:
- North America has lost 3 billion birds (NPR)

- Insect population has dropped by 75% (NYTimes)

- Humans are driving 1 million species to extinction (Nature)

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Candidate Forum September 7, 2024

Divya TV hosted a Candidate Forum on September 7, 2024 at the Cupertino Senior Center, attended by 6 of the 7 candidates for Cupertino City Council election which has two open seats. The broadcast will be available shortly and it will be posted when we have it. In the mean time here are my opening and closing remarks and 100 Word Bio provided to Moderator Kapur:

100 Word Bio Provided to Moderator Kapur:

Kitty Moore is a Civil Engineer and former Air Force R.O.T.C. scholarship student, whose husband, brothers, uncles, and late father are all veterans of the US Armed Forces.

 Kitty is mom to two sons who went to Cupertino public schools and on to Master’s programs; they work with their dad on a startup they are building together.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Campaign Rally August 30

We had great energy and turnout for our first campaign rally August 30, 2024! Monta Vista HS student journalists Sophia D'Sa and Benjamin Zhang covered the event in their El Estoque article Cupertino residents rally behind “We deserve better”.

It is excellent to be able to speak to residents directly and share more about what has transpired in our community through a Councilmember’s viewpoint.

The text of my speech is here:

- Good Afternoon! Thank you to all of the volunteers and guests for joining us today! I’m Kitty Moore, your current Councilmember. I’m passionate about our community and excited to continue serving you on the Cupertino City Council for four more years!

- I grew up in Vermont with three older brothers. My family faced tough financial times, relying on food stamps. When it came time for me to go to college, there was no family money available. Determined to succeed, I earned an Air Force ROTC scholarship in Civil Engineering and worked up to three jobs at a time to graduate. I became financially independent before I was 18...

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

2024 Re-election Campaign

Dear friends,

Welcome back to campaign season! It has been an eventful 4 years on Council after 2 years on the Planning Commission. I have been honored to serve you, and seek your support and assistance to continue to provide care for the community. In my free time I have been augmenting my Civil Engineering background by completing Basic and Advanced Environmental Studies certifications, paralegal studies, and delving further into the complexities of municipal government to bring you the best and most knowledgable decisions for your benefit. While there have been multiple politically motivated hurdles placed in our way, I am resilient and resolute to continue to care for your tax dollars and bring deliverables like the Jollyman all-inclusive playground, Library Expansion and Storybook upgrades, along with negotiated improvements to make developments more aligned with community interests. Join me this campaign season to learn about what has been happening in the city from a fellow resident who looks out for you!

Warmest regards,

-Councilmember Kitty Moore

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Great Forbes Article on Cupertino!

Bill Mitchell, the CTO of Cupertino, California, was ready and able to answer the call to support many services digitally after the state ordered city staff to work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Westport Approval = Senior Housing

After a recommendation for denial of the Westport project by the Cupertino Planning Commission, 3-2, due to the missing financial information for a concession to consolidate the Senior Below Market Rate units into one building, the Westport project came to the Cupertino City Council along with the financial information and was approved 5-0.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Correcting Vallco Legal Fee Misinformation from PRR

The Vallco Legal Fee reimbursements are shown in this blog. My accusers failed to request the reimbursement amounts and only provided the original bills, because that fit their narrative. This post includes the Public Records Request I made and the response received 10/26/2020.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

How a Square Footage Parcel Tax Plan could Help CUSD

CUSD failed to convince voters in March 2020 that they should add $125 to their parcel tax. How about not increasing the parcel tax on single family homes, yet spreading the burden of taxation equitably? Sound interesting?

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Lehigh Expansion and Reclamation Plan

One of the most important things city leadership does is care for the health, safety, and wellfare of the community. We are bordered by a large cement plant, Lehigh, which has proposed a Reclamation Plan and expansion of mining activities. The project will require environmental review and as of August 13, 2020, the county has hired an outside consultant to assist in planning oversight.

Special Guest author Rhoda Fry, has shared her initial analysis by permission, read it here.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Vallco Legal Fee Misinformation

The legal fees from the Vallco SB 35 lawsuit were paid for by the developer. My opponents make up claims after getting our important former City Attorney removed, costing us the ability to defend the city properly, forcing us to be stuck with the massive SB 35 project, along with over $444,000 in legal fees.

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