Correcting Vallco Legal Fee Misinformation from PRR

The Public Records Request (PRR) data regarding the Vallco SB 35 FoBC v City of Cupertino lawsuit were obtained by me today, 10/26/2020 and indicate that the indemnification clause was indeed correct, and that the city was to be reimbursed for the legal fees by the Vallco developer. The check images are below and the entire PRR is at the bottom of the page. Links are available here to the city email response and PRR file one, PRR file two, and PRR file three. The difference between inaccurate smear and what I put forth is that I will get into the details and we’re clearly better off in the long term for it. With regard to the accusations that I cost the city in legal fees, it is categorically false, and it was something I knew from the outset of the lawsuit because I weighed the probable outcomes. Thank you for those who also took the time to read the 180-day letter and also knew about the clause throughout the process.


Westport Approval = Senior Housing


Data from Public Records Request of FUHSD: “Square-footage tax is fairer than current fixed amount parcel tax”