August 30 Campaign Rally, 2024

Councilmember Kitty Moore and council candidate Ray Wang held a joint campaign rally with guest speakers including Councilmember Liang Chao, former Mayor Darcy Paul, former Councilmember Jon Willey, and community members.

Text of speech:

- Good Afternoon! Thank you to all of the volunteers and guests for joining us today! I’m Kitty Moore, your current Councilmember. I’m passionate about our community and excited to continue serving you on the Cupertino City Council for four more years!

- I grew up in Vermont with three older brothers. My family faced tough financial times, relying on food stamps. When it came time for me to go to college, there was no family money available. Determined to succeed, I earned an Air Force ROTC scholarship in Civil Engineering and worked up to three jobs at a time to graduate. I became financially independent before I was 18.

- My husband, a fellow cadet, and I moved to California when he was stationed here. We raised our sons in Cupertino, where they attended public schools and went on to earn master’s degrees. Today, all 3 work together at a startup they’re building, a reflection of the values of hard work and perseverance that I bring to my role as your Councilmember.

- Service runs deep in my family. My brothers, husband, father, and uncles all served in the (U.S.) Armed Forces. I’ve shared that call to serve by volunteering in schools, sharing my love of art, and supporting youth sports to help children stay healthy and active. This commitment to service extended to the residents of Cupertino, first on the Planning Commission and now on the City Council. Being a public servant is an honor.

- I know what it’s like to economize. As a mom in Cupertino, I understand the challenges we all face—paying bills, saving for college, needing safe spaces, and struggling with work-life balance, all while worrying about whether our schools will close or if the Council or state will allow towers in your backyard.

- My late parents both battled cancer; One of my siblings is currently battling leukemia. These tough experiences have taught me the importance of creating a healthy environment, having clean air and water, and support my willingness to channel what I know to fight for people impacted by careless industrial polluters and their legacy.

- Cupertino businesses and residents need to know that our public safety officers are supported through policies that balance personal freedom with safety.

- I approach public service with a conscientious and educated mindset. I draw on my experience and continuously seek to improve by furthering my education in Environmental and paralegal studies to complement my civil engineering background. I do this freely, to serve you to the best of my abilities.

- When a project is proposed in your neighborhood, you need someone who will stand up for your health, safety, and welfare. I’ve been that advocate and will continue to do so. I’ve fought for the cleanup of hazardous materials at Vallco, ensured the safety of construction workers and neighbors, and advocated for environmental reviews at Lehigh.

- When massive projects are suggested, I work on your behalf to bring them to a scale our community can live with.

- When our businesses and neighborhoods are threatened by crime or when illegal opioids are destroying lives, I advocate for and support laws that protect our community.

- I support building affordable housing because trickle-down housing does not make homes less expensive. I’ve fought to maintain our inclusionary affordable housing laws, ensuring developers do not evade their responsibility to build them.

- I believe in the importance of healthy residents and support quality-of-life elements like physical recreation spaces, recreational activities, and education for a thriving community.

- When $48 million of your tax dollars were left idle and not earning interest, I noticed it and got those funds working for you.

- When ten years passed without the city filing any tax returns for the Cupertino Public Facilities Corporation, I discovered it and pushed to get it fixed.

- I’ve also supported process improvements to ensure our resources are fairly distributed and that special interests aren’t making backdoor deals.

- All of this takes thoughtful, diligent work and a resilient spirit. 

- Thank you for allowing me to serve you, it has been an honor.

I humbly ask for your support to continue this important work. Please vote #1 Kitty Moore and #5 Ray Wang on your ballot. Together, your voices will be heard and we will keep Cupertino thriving!

Thank you! Next, I have the distinct pleasure of introducing a very impressive individual in her own right, who will be introducing Candidate Ray, please welcome Ray Wang’s lovely wife, Doctor Tina Wu!