Yes on Prop 36! Rally with Mayors and Councilmembers

I attended and spoke at the Prop 36 Rally held at the Cupertino Civic Center Plaza on Sunday September 29, 2024 at 1:30p.m. Several elected officials including San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein, were in attendance showing their support for Prop 36 along with many current and former Councilmembers and candidates for various elected offices to speak in support of Prop 36. I signed the ballot initiative which received enough signatures to put Prop 36 on the ballot.

You may read the Legislative Analyst’s Office Analysis of Prop 36 here.

Here is the text of my speech:

“I’m Kitty Moore, Councilmember for the City of Cupertino, representing myself only.

 I strongly support Prop 36

 My mother was addicted to over-prescribed opioids and 25 years ago, I helplessly watched her die from that, she was a casualty of the opioid crisis.

 The street drugs we have now are far more potent and lethal and we need the dealers stopped and people suffering from substance abuse given treatment. Law enforcement officers and judges need the tools Prop 36 provides.

 I have seen a resident in the past year go from fully employed to unemployed, addicted to methamphetamine, breaking laws, taking up sheriff and court time and on the verge of homelessness. He needs treatment.

 We cannot stand idly by while Sacramento lets drug dealers ruin our state and recidivist thieves destroy businesses, jobs, and the safety of our communities. We are wasting millions trying to solve the messes Prop 47 made. It is time to fix it. Sacramento has failed us.

 We the People say Enough is Enough.

Please join me and Vote Yes on Prop 36!”


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