Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Yes on Prop 36! Rally with Mayors and Councilmembers

I attended and spoke at the Prop 36 Rally held at the Cupertino Civic Center Plaza on Sunday September 29, 2024 at 1:30p.m. Several elected officials including San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein, were in attendance along with many current and former Councilmembers and candidates for various elected offices to speak in support of Prop 36. I signed the ballot initiative which received enough signatures to put Prop 36 on the ballot.

You may read the Legislative Analyst’s Office Analysis of Prop 36 here.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

What Caused the Late Housing Element: Late Call to Overhaul

The image is a Builder's Remedy project which will replace a single-story home.

Updated October 2, 2024

What caused the Housing Element to have an 11th Hour Comprehensive Overhaul?

There have been a series of misstatements from folks trying to cover up what Cupertino for All did to the Housing Element when the new Council was seated.

The Prior Council Direction, on November 15, 2022 agenda item 1 was very clear to turn in the document on time.

“Final Motion: Moore moved and Chao seconded to direct staff to

1) publish the draft Housing Element on Friday, November 18, 2022 and (...) 3) incorporate comments received in the draft Housing Element and submit the document to the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) for review on January 20, 2023.

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Kitty Moore Kitty Moore

Scofield Builder’s Remedy Plans

There is a Builder’s Remedy Plan Set available for 20739 Scofield Dr. Cupertino from a Public Records Request of the City. The project proposes 23 homes on a single family lot which currently has a one-story house on it. 4 of the homes would be below-market rate. The plans were uploaded onto the City website September 9, 2024 and are 174 pages long. You may view the full plan set here.

The Scofield Builder’s Remedy project was submitted March 26, 2024, there is a Cupertino City Staff Memo on this project and other Builder’s Remedy projects available here and a city website on the developments here.

The affordability requirement for Builder’s Remedy Projects are that 20% of the homes be affordable to low income residents.

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